Today a cleaning crew comes by and transforms our work area into a fresh new habitat. Given how many times I ate at my desk (especially now during overtime), I'm glad Mr. Vacuum is coming by. But it also forced me to take everything off my desk and my cubicle walls because of the dusting, which means that all my nerdy little things found a new (temporary) home on cozy bookshelves and similar constructions. So what you get is this:
And this:
As well as this:
Which for the most part is the same as before, just way more crammed. It is a scary reminder of how much stuff (and crap) I have. I'm seriously thinking about selling most of this, keeping only the sweetest of the sweetest, like the Rancor. But then I think of those awesome Batman figures...
And then the cartoony Star Wars maquettes... Samurai Jack... more Star Wars figures... and all the little cool gizmos which are hidden behind the maquettes on the shelves right now. But would I REALLY miss them? Lately I've been going back and forth. Keeping... Selling... I know, these are life changing decisions, I know... But before I sell anything, I need to get that kneeling Darth Vader, I really like that one. Later this year I should be getting this crazy Indiana Jones statue. Ahh... it will never end... Until then here some more pics:
For a while I took a lot of fancy, posed pictures of the Batman and Animated SW Maquettes ones, I should post those one of these days.
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