Friday, August 29, 2008

Cube Dreams - by Kevin Geiger

All this hoopalah over the "Bolt" storyboard/CG image led me to Kevin Geiger's blog post "Will "The Glen Keane of CG" please stand up?" and a great post called "Cube Dreams". Here a snippet:

As a student, you should ask yourself: “Do I want to be a drone, or a trailblazer?” And as an institution of higher learning, you should examine yourself: “Do we want to turn out graduates who slot neatly into the job opening of existing production companies, or do we want to turn out graduates who revolutionize the industry, and knock those companies on their @sses?” What is the more inspiring goal? Which philosophy best serves our students (and ultimately our industry) in the long run?

Make sure to read the whole thing.

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