Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Anim stuff all over

New Bolt poster from iwatchstuff. Remember the half closed eye lid talk in class? There you go.

- Make sure to check out Jeff's blog on a daily basis,this time he got a great "quadraped walk cycle demo" and thoughts on what type of clips you could be doing purerly in terms of exercises, "The benefit of practice".

- Followers of my blogs know that I love concept artwork, so of course I was very excited to check out the "Sketchbook of dshong", which was forwarded by a co-worker (thanks Steve!!).

- Alonso points to very cool posts about "Original Characters", "The Anatomy of Story", "Five C's of Cinematography" and much more, so head over there.

- This is just too cool. Studio Ghibli and Level 5 team up for "Ninokuni", a Nintendo DS game. Kotaku has screen caps, concept work and more!

- Head over to Kotaku to watch the new "Professor Layton 3" trailer (for the Nintendo DS). I still have to get the first one

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