Sunday, November 9, 2008

Old Animation Clips

I went through a lot of my backup files in order to find an animation clip for my make-up class and ended up finding more than I expected. It's really funny to watch these clips again.

First up is the short "Alone Together" from the Pixar 3 class:

I remember taking 6 classes during my last semester at the AAU. I think they were: Maya 3, Pixar 3, Stop Motion Puppet Making, Intro to Stop Motion and two online classes (probably writing classes). I really wanted to finish the semester in Spring and crammed everything together, which meant that some projects ended up unfinished. I was more invested in the "Autumn Thieves" short I was doing in Maya 3, so "Alone Together" never went beyond the layout stage.

Next up is a pantomime shot I never finished (I sense a theme). This one was the last clip in the Pixar 2 class (which included "I do.", "Boxlift" and "His hhheeaad..."):

24 seconds! What was I thinking?! :)

Here are two ideas for a waiting assignment. I really don't remember if they were made for a class or during my spare time. Either way, there you go:

I actually still like the Tree Waiting, although it might be a bit too macabre.

Again an unfinished clip, "Tea for Two". This one was done during my spare time.

This one cracked me up. A modified Norman to look like a rat. A pre-version of the rat I'm using in the "Dual Use" clip, which is a WIP as well. Surprise!

"Stick it" is a recent attempt (last year?), which didn't go past layout (wow, not even into animation). There are so many ideas for clips that I would like to do, I guess to even have a movie is more than usual. :)

After I graduated I worked on unpaid projects, among them an AvP fan movie (see test clip here) and Dinoville. I tried contacting the makers of Dinoville but haven't heard back yet. The moment I get a go from them in terms of permission to put it online, I'll update this post.

Last but not least another recent clip. This time it's a rig test for two characters which are part of the No Continues project I'm working on. You can see more polished test clips here. This clip is more in a blocking phase, but I actually would like to polish it up because it's a fun clip to work on.

Ahh... good times.

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