Wednesday, February 4, 2009

History of Stop-Motion, Animated Short "Dans la tete" and Learning Body Language

- head over to slashfilm for GeekBomb: A Brief History of Stop-Motion Animation, which has gems like this:

Direct Manipulation Animation

This is a process similar to standard animation, but rather than changing each image entirely, only a portion of the image is erased or added to in-between each frame. One of the earliest examples of this form of animation is also from J. Stuart Blackton. Humorous Phases of Funny Faces was put out by the Edison company in 1906, and it features chalk faces being animated frame by frame, which means Blackton was doing just a bit of the drawing, photographing that image, adding to it and photographing again, and so on. It’s considered to be the first world’s first animated film, and gave Blackton the distinction of being the “father of American animation.” You can check this short out right here.

All kinds of styles are featured, from the early beginnings, Stop-Motion, Pixilation (that one's for you Bernie!), etc. Well worth a look.

- dailymotion has a fantastic short called "Dans la TĂȘte". Dark humor, but really funny, go watch it.

- SwissMiss has a funny clip called "Learn to Speak Body: Tape 5". First you think it could be helpful, then you just shake your head, it's awesome.

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