Thursday, June 18, 2009

The Secret of Monkey Island - Special Edition

I have to post this here! :)

Back before Jack Sparrow and before someone stole the idea of a Monkey Island movie and made Pirates of the Caribbean there was the PC game The Secret of Monkey Island.

Back in the day LucasArts made point & click adventure games and I grew up with classics like Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Fate of Atlantis, Full Throttle, The Dig, etc. etc.

I loved the music and I loved the pixel art animation. It was so gooood!

Well now, they are releasing Monkey Island as a Special Edition and the really cool part is that you can switch between the old and repainted version on the fly. YEAH!

Go the main site and check out the video section which has a good making-of clip of the whole re-making process.

Now, if the sales are good, LucasArts will continue to release those games. Imagine playing Fate of Atlantis on your iPhone. YEAH BABY! (I actually already did on a jailbroken iTouch and it was so awesome!!!)

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