Friday, May 14, 2010

Spungella Anim Contest: VOTING!

Voting is over. Thanks for participating.

It's hard to know if people cheat using the previous voting method and the fact that I have to even contemplate that is really sad.

So now, the vote is starting over.
You have one week, from this Monday, 5/17/10, to next Monday, 5/24/10,
to send me an email to

contest (at) spungella (dot) com

Put the number of your favorite clip in the mail and email me only once. Please don't set up dozens of multiple accounts in order to vote multiple times.

Spungella Animation Contest - Spring 2010 - "Guilty" from Jean-Denis Haas on Vimeo.

Sorry for the delay! Technical difficulties...

But now it's up and you have one week to watch all the entries and decide which one you like the most.

So head over to and vote!


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