Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Upcoming AAU classes

[updated 07/16/09] Spungella On-Site announcement coming soon, stay tuned! So far here some info.

[updated 06/23/09]
Summer is my last Semester at the AAU. Hopefully I'll be back next year.

[updated 06/17/09]
Summer Class Name: ANM 801 9 Character Animation - Room 350

[updated 04/03/09]
Summer Class: Group Directed Study - Monday/Thursday 7-10pm

I've been receiving emails from students asking about future classes ever since I started about 2 years ago up until now. The answer is always the same so I might as well post it here in case people are looking for answers on this site.

Please ask your advisor because I am usually the last person to find out what type of class I will be teaching. The moment I know anything, I post it as a mini message on this site above the regular posts.

I have students e-mailing or coming up to me saying: "Hey, cool that you're teaching such and such classes on such and such day!" That's usually how I find out. So you guys are much better informed than I am. :)

That's not a complaint btw.

The list of possible classes comes out towards the end of the semester, but the confirmation about which type of class and on what day it wil be, arrives much later. The moment the class is in the system your advisor will know about it. And the moment I know about it, I'll post it here as always.

The only difference now is that this Spring semester might be my last one at the AUU. But either way, look for a notice at the top of the page above the posts for any class announcements.

Thanks for asking though! I appreciate the interest!


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