Tuesday, March 23, 2010

End of second SOS Workshop!

Last Thursday was the last session of the second Spungella On-Site Workshop! Although the group was smaller than the first one, I sure had as much fun as before. You guys were great and thank you very much for attending those weekly animation meetings!

Joey, thanks for the amazing reference footage! APPROVED!
Josh, thanks for introducing "actually" to my regular conversations. Actually, thanks for NOTHING!!
Ivy, can't wait to see your spaghetti monster thesis fully realized!
Sunny, your martial arts movie recommendation was awesome, seeing how you enjoyed the footage was scary. ;)
Annie, you have some of the weirdest and most creative shot ideas I've seen. So. Awesome.
Dean, thanks for helping out setting up the room and putting it back to what it was, thanks for being patient despite all my notes for your shots and thanks for creeping me out with the shot about the guy and his love for dismembered legs. :)
Bernie, it's always a pleasure to have you show up on Thursday, or Tuesday, or any other day you might show up.


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